about Nick
I unknowingly started this journey when I joined the US Air Force, by far the biggest decision my scrawny, pimple faced self ever made. Before that, I was a pizza spinning fool without a care in the world…especially when it came to a “future” in anything. It’s not that I didn’t care. I’d rather spend time with friends during late nights, slamming drinks, playing guitar and raging through the wilderness in my jeep. To me, I never felt like I was meant to waste time or energy figuring out my life while in college. Now…the awesome benefits of the Air Force have allowed me to earn a few Associates degrees, only few classes from my Bachelors. Also, my leadership has totally supported my active lifestyle....I could not ask for more!

Fast forward - I know now that I chose the path of immediate commitment a.k.a signing my life to “the man”, because that’s the kind of person I am. Totally committed to what inspires me. Another fact I’ve learned about myself; I draw inspiration from many directions, places and experiences. My mind is on a continual teeter-totter. Almost like a squirrel that can’t decide what side of the road to choose as he flees for his life. I’m definitely a “last minute” decision maker. I wanted to be Doctor or an Engineer but I ended up in the communications field with a passion for health and holistic nutrition. I’d say I sort of ended up in a place consistent with my initial intent. Like an artist, I excel in what I’m drawn to….This is why Calculus 2 took a back seat and was ultimately dropped like a flaming turd. Instead, I was drawn to fitness and the beauty of competition and success. Of course this didn’t happen over night, it literally took years of damage and self-induced struggle. My extra curricula have always been expensive, time consuming but filled with experience. From kite boarding to triathlon, I misguided many funds based on knee jerk purchases and certainly almost died a few times. Either way, I forged a person who I will now summarize.